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  3. How to Submit a Feature Request

How to Submit a Feature Request

Step-by-Step Instructions

The below table will detail the steps required to accomplish your goals:


Submit New Feature Request

We’re happy to hear cool and innovative ideas to improve Circuit ID. If you have a feature you would like to see on Circuit ID, go ahead and submit a new feature request ticket in our online management portal.

Note that response times for feature requests vary based on the complexity of the feature and can take up to 30 days to review. Nonetheless, you’ll typically get a reply much sooner and may receive one or more responses from our staffers.

Review Response

Please note that all feature requests are important to us and are given careful consideration.

After review, you’ll receive one or more of the following responses:

Feature was not Accepted If your feature is not accepted, you are more than welcome to use our API and other resources to accomplish your goals.
Feature has been Added to or Already on our Road-Map Feature is likely to be released in a later edition of Circuit ID. In some cases, you may use paid support hours to have the feature released sooner. If so, required amount of paid support hours and timeline will be provided in our reply.

Test & Use Feature

If the feature was released, great, you can start using it!

Let us know if you have any issues; note that feature requests are released as a Beta offering till official made Generally Available (GA) by Circuit ID in writing.

Note: As described in our MSA Circuit ID shall own all rights in connection with the development of Circuit ID products and/or services.


Congratulations! You have now completed the "How-To Submit a Feature Request" article and we hope that you have accomplished the goals you set out to achieve. However, if for any reason you may still require assistance with setup, simply login to the Management Portal and submit a support request.

Updated on July 27, 2018

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