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  4. How to Add a Call Queue

How to Add a Call Queue


This article demonstrates step-by-step instructions for How to Add a Call Queue.

Step-by-Step Instructions

The below table will detail the steps required to accomplish your goals:



Login to the Management Portal by clicking a sign-on provider or entering your Email Address and Password as shown in Exhibit 1. If you don't have an account, you can sign signup instantly by clicking here.
Management Portal Login Form
Now, navigate to Phone >Queues as shown in Exhibit 2a. Next click the create icon on the top right-hand side of the page as shown in Exhibit 2b.
Phone directory tab
Navigate to Phone
 Fill out Details
Create New Queues

General Settings

Fill out the information for the General section as shown in Exhibit 3a, Queue Timeouts section as shown in Exhibit 3b, and Agent Timeouts section as shown in Exhibit 3c. Click the save icon on the top right-hand side of the page as shown in Exhibit 3d.

For your convenience, a description of each field is given below:


A descriptive name for your Queue.
Choose a license from the drop down menu.
The algorithm you prefer for your queue.
Title Description
Ring All Rings all agents simultaneously.
Longest-Idle-Agent Rings agents in order of longest idle.
Round-Robin Rings agents in order of position starting at 1, however, remembers the last tried agent.
Top-Down Rings agents in order of position starting at 1.
Agent-With-Least-Talk-Time Rings agents in order of least talk time.
Agent-With-Fewest-Calls Rings agents in order of fewest calls.
Sequentially-by-Agent-Order Rings agents sequentially by tier, then by order.
Announce Queue Position
Notify users about their position in the queue.
Music on Hold
The music to be played while the call is on hold.
Open Subscription
When enabled it allows users to join and leave the call queue through the call queue widget.For more information on the call queue widget see How to Use the Call Queues Widget
Call Routing Type
Select between SIP or Skype.
Choose Region for the call queue.

Queue Timeouts

Caller Resume Timeout
If the caller is disconnected (e.g. cell phone dropped), based on the Caller Resume Timeout the caller will be able to resume their queue position.
Max Wait Time
Maximum amount of time a caller should be allowed to be in the queue before the queue times out.
Max Wait Time No Agent
Maximum amount of time (timeout) a caller should be allowed to wait in the queue when no agents are available.

Agent Timeouts

No Answer Timeout
If the agent doesn’t answer an offered call, this settings controls the minimum delay the agent will receive a new call.
Reject Timeout
If the call is rejected, this setting controls the minimum delay until the queue will ring the agent again.
Busy Timeout
If the agent is busy, this setting controls the minimum delay until the queue will ring the agent again.
Wrap Up Timeout
After an agent completes a call successfully, this setting controls the minimum delay until the queue will send the agent new calls.
Advanced Options
Queue General
Advanced Options
Advanced Options
Agent Timeouts
Advanced Options
Save Call Queue

Add Queue Members

To add members to the call queue click the members icon next to the call queue as shown in Exhibit 4a. Now, click the create icon on the top right hand side of the page as shown in Exhibit 4b. Next, click the slider bar next to the members you would like to add to the call queue. Click the save icon once you are done as shown in Exhibit 4c.

Advanced Options
Members Icon
Advanced Options
Advanced Options
Enable Queue Members


Congratulations! You have now completed the "How-To How to Add a Call Queue" article and we hope that you have accomplished the goals you set out to achieve. However, if for any reason you may still require assistance with setup, simply login to the Management Portal and submit a support request.

Updated on November 15, 2018

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