This article demonstrates step-by-step instructions for How To Add a New Credit Card Payment Method.
Step-by-Step Instructions
The below table will detail the steps required to accomplish your goals:
Login to the Management Portal by clicking a sign-on provider or entering your Email Address and Password as shown in Exhibit 1. If you don't have an account, you can sign signup instantly by clicking here.
Almost done! Now, complete the required fields regarding the credit card you would like to add as shown in Exhibit 3 and click Save. For your convenience, a description of each field is given below:
Option to select this new method of payment as the default payment method.
Full name as shown on your Credit Card.
Card Holder
Select the name of the card holder from the drop down box.
Select Credit Card from the drop down menu.
Account Number
16 digit credit card number found on the front of your credit card.
Expiration Month
Month of your credit cards expiration date.
Expiration Year
Year of your credit cards expiration date.
Credit card Verification Value. 3-4 digits can be found in the back of your credit card.
Note: For security purposes, credit cards may not activate and in some cases will be left pending.
Note: If credit card is not automatically authorized, please open a ticket or chat to request credit card be activated.
Congratulations! You have now completed the "How-To Add a New Credit Card Payment Method" article and we hope that you have accomplished the goals you set out to achieve. However, if for any reason you may still require assistance with setup, simply login to the Management Portal and submit a support request.